Student Parliament

Student Parliament
The Student Parliament is selected by a panel of judges and is organized and conducted by students and is facilitated by members of the staff faculty. The student council is the voice of the student body and helps share student ideas, interests, and concerns with the school wide community.
The goal of the Student Parliament is to give students an opportunity to build leadership capacity, offer opportunities that encourage school engagement, improve student interactions by planning and delivering impactful initiatives and service projects.
The Parliament is lead by the chairperson, followed by the president, vice- president and executive secretary, captains, and vice- captains and last but not least, the prefects for the girls and boys sections respectively from the four houses that are: Oak, Maple, Fir and Cedar.
Each house has its own motto

Oak House
‘Deeds not words’

Cedar House
‘To Greater Heights’

Fir House
‘Service before Self’

Maple House
‘For honour we strive’
Student Parliament Roles & Responsibilities
The Student Parliament is selected by a panel of judges and is organized and conducted by students and is facilitated by members of staff. The student council is the voice of the student body and helps share student ideas, interests, and concerns with the school wide community. The goal of the Student Parliament is to give students an opportunity to build leadership capacity, offer opportunities that encourage school engagement, improve student interactions by planning and delivering impactful initiatives and service projects.
The Student Parliament comprises of:
- Chairperson
- President (Boys and Girls)
- Vice- President (Boys and Girls)
- Executive Secretary (Boys and Girls)
The Student Council comprises of:
- Captains /Vice- Captains
- Prefect
Roles and Responsibilities
The chairperson is the head of the Student Parliament across the school and not only represents all students at the school but also specifically represents the student council as a whole. The chairperson is responsible for coordinating all student parliament activities and is typically in charge of running student council meetings, meetings with all its members and also liaises with the Senior Leadership Team informing them of ideas emanating from the student body and setting a great example for all students in the council. The Chairperson must ensure that students are working collaboratively with a positive spirit at all times and follow up on her team with all documentation, duty rosters, correspondence, photographs etc.
The President
The President of the student council works very closely with the Chairperson and can stand in for the Chairperson when he/she is absent. He/ She also assists the Chairperson and co-ordinates and works with the other groups and encourage students to come up with ideas and set a positive example for all the students. In addition, he/she will oversee the Houses List and the Duty Roster and must ensure that students are working productively as a group in the student council. The president is also responsible for directing the House captains, Vice -Captains and prefects in coordination with the Chairperson.
Vice President
The Vice Presidents works with the President on all issues and can stand in for the President if he/she is absent. He/ She also co-ordinates and works with the other groups and encourages students to come up with ideas and set a positive example for all the students. The vice president is also in charge of updating the Houses List, preparing the duty roster, and handling issues related to public relations and fulfilling duties when asked by the president.
Executive Secretary
The executive secretary takes charge in the absence of the Vice-President and keeps track of information in the council. The secretary must keep accurate minutes of the meeting, allowing the council to have a record of student decisions. The secretary is also in charge of updating the class list. The secretary also reports information taken from the different houses and handles correspondence.
House Captains/ Vice- Captains
The House Captains are ambassadors for their houses and represent houses at whole school events. They liaise with the Chairperson, president, vice-president, and secretary and are involved in the planning, delivery and review of competitions, events and promoting the ethos of their individual house.
The prefects are responsible for working closely with the Student Council and carry out a range of activities aimed at supporting students and staff whenever the need arises. This may be working with students at break and lunchtimes and helping students to access enrichment opportunities after school. They also assist members of staff with the health and safety of students at break and lunchtime.