منهج المرحلة الثانوية

يغطي منهج المرحلة الثانوية في جرين وود الصفوف من 9 إلى 12، ويتم منح الدبلوم عند التخرج. يتوافق المنهج مع متطلبات التخرج في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، مما يوفر مجموعة شاملة من المواد الدراسية التي تبني أساسًا قويًا للتعليم العالي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، نحن نقدم مجموعة من المواد الإختيارية لمساعدة الطلاب على استكشاف وتنمية اهتماماتهم وقدراتهم.
يمكن للطلاب إنجاز 28 ساعة معتمدة كحد أقصى بحلول وقت تخرجهم من جرين وود ويمكنهم الحصول على 7 وحدات دراسية كحد أقصى سنويًا. يتم منح الإعتمادات للمواد التي يتم تدريسها في الصفوف من 9 إلى 12 فقط. يتم الحصول على الإعتمادات على أساس الإنتهاء من الدورة. الدورات ذات المساق المعتمد الواحد هي دورات مدتها عام، والدورات ذات نصف المساق المعتمد عادةً ما تكون مدتها فصل دراسي، بإستثناء الدراسات الإسلامية والتربية البدنية، وهي دورات مدتها عام دراسي.

متطلبات التخرج
المساقات المعتمدة في المرحلة الثانوية -الصف 9
Subject | Type | Credit |
English+D8+B10:D27 | mandatory | 1 |
World History | mandatory | 1 |
Physical Education 9 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Moral Education & UAE social studies | mandatory | 0 |
Arabic 9 | mandatory | 1 |
Islamic 9 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Integrated sciences 1 | mandatory | 1 |
Algebra 1 | mandatory | 1 |
Visual Arts & design | elective | 0.5 |
Drama | elective | 0.5 |
Graphic Design | elective | 0.5 |
Digital Design | elective | 0.5 |
Literature in Cinema | elective | 0.5 |
Creative Writing | elective | 0.5 |
Nutrition & Health | elective | 0.5 |
Journalism | elective | 0.5 |
Coding (Python ) | elective | 0.5 |
Forensics | elective | 0.5 |
المساقات المعتمدة في المرحلة الثانوية -الصف 10
Subject | Type | Credit |
English 10 | mandatory | 1 |
Islamic 10 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Moral Education | mandatory | 0 |
Arabic 10 | mandatory | 1 |
Physical Education 10 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Integrated sciences 2 | mandatory | 1 |
Research and study skills | mandatory | 0.5 |
Introduction to sociology | mandatory | 0.5 |
Geometry | mandatory | 1 |
Visual Arts & design | elective | 0.5 |
Drama | elective | 0.5 |
Graphic Design | elective | 0.5 |
Digital Design | elective | 0.5 |
Literature in Cinema | elective | 0.5 |
Creative Writing | elective | 0.5 |
Nutrition & Health | elective | 0.5 |
Journalism | elective | 0.5 |
Coding (Python ) | elective | 0.5 |
Forensics | elective | 0.5 |
المساقات المعتمدة في المرحلة الثانوية -الصف 11
Subject | Type | Credit |
Arabic 11 | mandatory | 1 |
Physical Education 11 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Moral Education | mandatory | 0 |
Islamic 11 | mandatory | 1 |
World Literature | elective | 1 |
Eng. Language & composition | elective | 1 |
Women in Literature | elective | 1 |
American Literature | elective | 1 |
Algebra 2 | elective | 1 |
Pre-Calculus | elective | 1 |
Chemistry | elective | 1 |
Physics (Algebra based ) | elective | 1 |
Biology | elective | 1 |
AP Chemistry | elective | 1 |
AP Biology | elective | 1 |
Economics | elective | 1 |
Psychology | elective | 1 |
Anthropology | elective | 1 |
International Relations | elective | 1 |
Robotics | elective | 0.5 |
Intro to business | elective | 0.5 |
Ethical Hacking | elective | 0.5 |
Entrepreneurship | elective | 0.5 |
Computer animation | elective | 0.5 |
marketing essentials | elective | 0.5 |
mass communication | elective | 0.5 |
Astronomy | elective | 0.5 |
المساقات المعتمدة في المرحلة الثانوية -الصف 12
Subject | Type | Credit |
Arabic 12 | mandatory | 1 |
Physical Education 12 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Islamic 12 | mandatory | 0.5 |
Moral Education | mandatory | 0 |
World Literature | elective | 1 |
Eng. Language & composition | elective | 1 |
Women in Literature | elective | 1 |
American Literature | elective | 1 |
AP Calculus AB | elective | 1 |
Statistics & probability | elective | 1 |
Math for Business & personal finance | elective | 1 |
Biology | elective | 1 |
Chemistry | elective | 1 |
Physics (Algebra based ) | elective | 1 |
AP Biology | elective | 1 |
AP Chemistry | elective | 1 |
Anthropology | elective | 1 |
Economics | elective | 1 |
Psychology | elective | 1 |
International Relations | elective | 1 |
Introduction to Astronomy | elective | 1 |
Physics calculus based | elective | 1 |
Robotics | elective | 0.5 |
Intro to business | elective | 0.5 |
Ethical Hacking | elective | 0.5 |
Entrepreneurship | elective | 0.5 |
Computer animation | elective | 0.5 |
marketing essentials | elective | 0.5 |
mass communication | elective | 0.5 |
Astronomy | elective | 0.5 |
- يمكن للطلاب في الصفين 11 و12 التقدم للحصول على المزيد من دورات الرياضيات والعلوم للوفاء بمتطلبات المقررات الإختيارية غير الأساسية أيضًا. بالإضافة إلى إكمال 28 ساعة معتمدة قبل التخرج، يتعين على الطلاب إجتياز إختبار SAT (الرياضيات) وTOEFL وIBT

الإختبارات المعيارية الموحدة المستمرة
يتم تتبع تقدم طلاب المدرسة الثانوية بإستخدام إختبارات التكيف القياسية مثل MAP (قياس التقدم الأكاديمي)، ويتم إختبار قدراتهم المعرفية بإستخدام CAT4 (إختبار القدرة المعرفية).
يقدم الصفان التاسع والعاشر إختبار ABT (إختبار اللغة العربية) الذي يقيم مهارات الفهم القرائي والتحدث والإستماع. و إختبار NGRT (إختبار القراءة)، الذي يقيس مهارات القراءة لديهم مقارنة بالمعدل الوطني.
متطلبات التخرج
المستوى المتقدم (AP) هو برنامج أنشأه مجلس الكلية في الولايات المتحدة وكندا. تقدم AP مناهج وإمتحانات على مستوى الجامعة لطلاب المدارس الثانوية. يتم تقييم الطلاب الذين يأخذون دورات AP في شهر مايو مرة واحدة سنويًا. يمكن أن يتم احتساب إجتياز إختبار AP ضمن الإئتمان الجامعي. يتم تشجيع الطلاب على أخذ أكثر من برنامج من برامج AP طوال فترة دراستهم.
تقدم مدرسة جرين وود مساقات AP التالية:
• الكيمياء AP
• علم الأحياء AP
• حساب التفاضل والتكامل AP
جدول الحصص الدراسي 2024-2025
Grade 9A - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | PE | Arabic | English | Integrated Science 1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | English / LIB |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | English | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Integrated Science 1 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Integrated Math 1 |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | English | English | World History | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Integrated Science 1 | Integrated Science 1 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | MSC | 10:35- 11:20 | World History |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Integrated Math 1 | World History | World History | Islamic | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Integrated Math 1 | Integrated Math 1 | MSC | PE | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Arabic | Integrated Science 1 | Assembly 9-12 | Integrated Math 1 | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Arabic | Islamic | Arabic | World History |
Grade 9B - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | English | Integrated Math 1 | Islamic | Integrated Math 1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | World History |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Integrated Math 1 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | PE | 8:45 – 9:30 | English |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Islamic | World History | Integrated Science 1 | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Integrated Math 1 | Arabic | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | English | 10:35- 11:20 | Integrated Science 1 |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Integrated Science 1 | Arabic | Arabic | English/LIB | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Integrated Science 1 | World History | Arabic | World History | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | PE | MSC | Assembly 9-12 | MSC | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | World History | English | Integrated Math 1 | Integrated Science 1 |
Grade 9E - Nakhleh Bldg. - First Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Integrated Math 1 | Arabic | World History | Integrated Science 1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Islamic |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Integrated Science 1 | Islamic | English | World History | 8:45 – 9:30 | MSC |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Integrated Science 1 | Integrated Math 1 | PE | PE | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | English | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Integrated Science 1 | Integrated Math 1 | 10:35- 11:20 | World History |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | English | MSC | Integrated Math 1 | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | World History | English | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | English/LIB | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Arabic | Assembly 9-12 | Integrated Science 1 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Arabic | Integrated Math 1 | Arabic | World History |
Grade 9F - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Islamic | World History | Islamic | English | 8:00 – 8:45 | Integrated Math 1 |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Integrated Math 1 | PE | Integrated Science 1 | English | 8:45 – 9:30 | Arabic |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Integrated Math 1 | MSC | Integrated Science 1 | World History | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 10:35- 11:20 | Arabic | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | World History | Arabic | 10:35- 11:20 | English |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Integrated Math 1 | English | World History | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | PE | World History | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Integrated Science 1 | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | MSC | Assembly 9-12 | Arabic | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Integrated Science 1 | Integrated Science 1 | English/LIB | Integrated Math 1 |
Grade 10A - Nakhleh Bldg. - First Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | ||
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Arabic | Islamic | English | Integrated Science 2 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Research & Study Skills | |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | English/LIB | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Integrated Science 2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | English | |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Integrated Math 2 | Integrated Math 2 | Integrated Math 2 | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break | |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | ||||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | English | Integrated Math 2 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Research & Study Skills | 10:35- 11:20 | Arabic | |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | English | Arabic | Research & Study Skills | Arabic | |||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Islamic | Arabic | PE | MSC | |||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | ||||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Research & Study Skills | PE | Assembly 9-12 | Integrated Math 2 | |||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Integrated Science 2 | Integrated Science 2 | Integrated Science 2 | Research & Study Skills |
Grade 10B - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Integrated Math 2 | Integrated Science 2 | Arabic | Research & Study Skills | 8:00 – 8:45 | English |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | MSC | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | English | 8:45 – 9:30 | Integrated Science 2 |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | Research & Study Skills | English/LIB | English | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 – 10:35 | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Integrated Science 2 | Islamic | Creative Writing / Nutrition&Health / Journalism/ Coding / Forensics | PE | 10:35 – 11:20 | Integrated Math 2 |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Integrated Science 2 | Integrated Science 2 | Integrated Math 2 | Research & Study Skills | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Arabic | PE | Integrated Math 2 | Arabic | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | English | Arabic | Assembly 9-12 | Arabic | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Islamic | Research & Study Skills | Research & Study Skills | Integrated Math 2 |
Grade 10E - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Arabic | Integrated Math 2 | PE | Integrated Math 2 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Intro to Sociology |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Islamic | Integrated Math 2 | Integrated Math 2 | English | 8:45 – 9:30 | English |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Integrated Science 2 | Intro to Sociology | Integrated Science 2 | English/LIB | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 – 10:35 | PE | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Integrated Science 2 | Integrated Science 2 | 10:35- 11:20 | Arabic |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Arabic | Intro to Sociology | Arabic | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | English | Arabic | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Intro to Sociology | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Integrated Science 2 | Assembly 9-12 | Integrated Math 2 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | English | MSC | Islamic | Intro to Sociology |
Grade 10F - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | English | English | Integrated Science 2 | Arabic | 8:00 – 8:45 | Arabic |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Integrated Math 2 | English | Integrated Science 2 | Integrated Math 2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Arabic |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Integrated Math 2 | Islamic | English | Integrated Science 2 | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | Integrated Science 2 | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Intro to Sociology | Arabic | 10:35- 11:20 | Intro to Sociology |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Intro to Sociology | PE | Intro to Sociology | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Intro to Sociology | Integrated Math 2 | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | Islamic | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | PE | Assembly 9-12 | English/LIB | Visual Arts / Graphic Design / Digital Design / Literature&Cinema / Drama | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | MSC | Arabic | Integrated Math 2 | Integrated Science 2 |
Grade 11A - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | PE | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | 8:45 – 9:30 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | PE | MSC | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 – 10:35 | Islamic | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Arabic | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Arabic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 10:35- 11:20 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Arabic | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Islamic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Assembly 9-12 | Arabic | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Arabic |
Grade 11B - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Arabic | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | 8:45 – 9:30 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Islamic | Islamic | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | Arabic | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Arabic | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | PE | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 10:35- 11:20 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Arabic | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Arabic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Assembly 9-12 | PE | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | MSC |
Grade 11E - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 8:00 – 8:45 | PE |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | PE | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Islamic | 8:45 – 9:30 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | MSC | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 – 10:35 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Arabic | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Arabic | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | 10:35- 11:20 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Arabic | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Islamic | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Assembly 9-12 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Arabic | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Arabic |
Grade 11F - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 8:00 – 8:45 | Arabic |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Arabic | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Arabic | 8:45 – 9:30 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Arabic | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 – 10:35 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | PE | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | PE | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | 10:35- 11:20 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Islamic | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | Arabic | Algbera 2 / PreCalculus | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Assembly 9-12 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy | MSC | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Islamic |
Grade 12A - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Arabic | PE | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Arabic | 8:45 – 9:30 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Arabic | MSC | Arabic | Arabic | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Islamic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 10:35- 11:20 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Assembly 9-12 | Islamic | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | PE |
Grade 12B - Nakhleh Bldg. - Second Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | 8:00 – 8:45 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | PE | Arabic | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Islamic | 8:45 – 9:30 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Islamic | Arabic | MSC | PE | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50- 10:35 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Arabic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 10:35- 11:20 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Assembly 9-12 | Arabic | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | Arabic |
Grade 12E - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 8:00 – 8:45 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | Arabic | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | Arabic | 8:45 – 9:30 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | Arabic | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | Arabic | Arabic | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 -10:35 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Islamic | PE | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | 10:35- 11:20 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | PE | MSC | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Islamic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Assembly 9-12 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business |
Grade 12F - Nakhleh Bldg. - Third Floor
Session | Time / Day | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
1 | 8:00 – 8:45 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | 8:00 – 8:45 | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business |
2 | 8:45 – 9:30 | MSC | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | PE | 8:45 – 9:30 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology |
3 | 9:30 – 10:15 | PE | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | Islamic | Islamic | 9:30 – 9:50 | 20 mins Break |
Break 1 | 10:15 -10:35 | 20 mins Break | 9:50 -10:35 | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | |||
4 | 10:35 – 11:20 | Arabic | Arabic | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | 10:35- 11:20 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) |
5 | 11:20- 12:05 | Arabic | Arabic | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | ||
6 | 12:05 – 12:50 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | Arabic | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | ||
Break 2 | 12:50 – 1:20 | 30 mins Lunch/Prayer Break | |||||
7 | 1:20 – 2:05 | Chemistry / Physics(Algebra Based) / Biology / AP Chemistry / AP Biology | Assembly 9-12 | Robotics / Marketing Essentials / Accounting / Astronomy / Physics(Calculus Based) | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business | ||
8 | 2:05 – 2:50 | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | Economics / Psychology / Anthropology / International Relations | World Literature / English Language&Composition / Women in Literature / American Literature | AP Calculus AB / Statistics&Probability / Math For Business |
لمزيد من المعلومات
للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول مناهجنا، يرجى الإتصال بفريق القبول والشؤون الأكاديمية لدينا. نحن نتطلع إلى تزويدك بالمعلومات والدعم الذي تحتاجه لإتخاذ الخيار الأفضل لمستقبل طفلك.